#ModicAdventures – Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Oia, Santorini: A Captivating Mediterranean Gem
#ModicInterview – Andrea Garmendia Landiana·January 22, 2024BACKSTAGE CONVERSATIONS: ANDREA GARMENDIA The woman’s voice finally rises. Being a woman long ago stopped meaning just being a...InterviewsNewsOf interest·2
#ModicInterview – Guerlain Landiana·July 4, 2021BACKSTAGE CONVERSATIONS: CÉCILE LOCHARD – Guerlain Chief Sustainability Officer The respect for the environment and sustainability is fortunately not...Beauty·5
#ModicInterview – Mariya Markina Landiana·April 3, 2021BACKSTAGE CONVERSATIONS: MARIYA MARKINA Mariya is one of the faces who were super familiar and seen in the...Interviews·5
#ModicInterview: Fashion Talks with Charles & Ron Landiana·March 26, 2021BACKSTAGE CONVERSATIONS: CHARLES & RON “We have a rule, which is that we never argue longer than 5...DesignersInterviews·5