#ModicEditorial: Insufficient Facts Always Invite Danger
Today’s #ModicEditorial – Insufficient facts always invite danger is a Star Trek-based fashion fan-story realised in 2020. A symbol editorial of an intergalactic nomad, the deep conversation between discovering life in other planets and the difficulty to communicate and interact with something you know nothing about.
Check out: Modic Fashion Editorial – UNIVERSE
Photographer: Jenezep
Fashion editor: Bastioji
Model: Andreea Nenetu
Make-up: Mihaela Cherciu
Hair: Lavinia Ivan
Producer: Julie Ianc
Turtleneck: @Anacapsali Dress: @_misspop_
Turtleneck: @Anacapsali Dress: @_misspop_
Overall and Gloves: @luneatmidnight
Overall and Gloves: @luneatmidnight
Overall: @pif.stephano
Overall: @pif.stephano Headpiece: @theioanaserban
#ModicEditorial: Insufficient Facts Always Invite Danger
Jacket: @theioanaserban
Jacket: @theioanaserban
Pants: @Palomospain; Corset: @luneatmidnight; Gloves: @Anacapsali
Pants: @Palomospain; Corset: @luneatmidnight; Gloves: @Anacapsali
Dress: @_misspop_; Skirt: @pif.stephano