#ModicInterview – Andrea Garmendia


The woman’s voice finally rises. Being a woman long ago stopped meaning just being a wife and mother. Today the figure of women escapes stereotypes and opens inspirational paths to be what they want to be. Andrea Garmendia is an example of it. She is an entrepreneur businesswoman, TV host, Actress, Producer and with a connection strongly linked to the fashion industry. From Argentina welcomes us to talk about her career and about past, present and future.

1. How did your relationship with Fashion begin?

My relationship with Fashion began at the age of 17 when, for reasons of personal needs, I had to start working. I wanted to buy myself many things that my family could not afford and I decided to look for a job that I liked. I was always very restless and creative. I started working in a multi-brand clothing store and I loved it. I loved creating outfits that looked great on the women . I was proud that they left the business happy. The owner of the shop was very satisfied and happy with my commitment and my responsibility. That’s where this great passion was born.

2. Which is your best memory related to the industry?

My best memory was when I discovered and started to designing clothes, that I could help a lot of people. I managed to give a lot of work to argentinian families and that made me very happy. My best memory is the grateful look from many women who could work at home taking care of their children and earn the income sustenance of them. Also the elderly and people with limited abilities who were able to do it without leaving their homes.

3. How has your experience been as a female entrepreneur?

My experience was very positive and at the same time very hard. I went through many difficult times in the beginning. I lived in a small city and decided when I was 19 to move to Buenos Aires. The first 2/3 years I couldn’t pay the basic expenses but my tireless fight meant that I was able to buy a small car and thus go out and sell my designs all over south Argentina. Then I started making costumes for the most important TV shows and that’s how I managed to get ahead and be offered the opportunity to work as an actress in them. It was a wonderful experience that lasted many years. The support of my family was vital in each step of my career.

4. What objectives do you have left to achieve?

I would love to have a TV Channel only focused in Fashion with very attractive content where it is spoken from the History of fashion until today. Teach this profession with prominent fashion references. Present and support new talents and showcase the best collections from the world’s established designers.

5. How do you balance family life in the countryside with the role of a business woman?

Life in the country is fantastic. Although I don’t live permanently there, I love going and I feel that it is my place of inspiration and peace. I’m an agricultural technician. Another profession that I chose with 30 years old. Today I don’t manage the field but I could do it thanks to my studies and the constant training that this business and lifestyle demands. It is a possible combination. Tiffani asked me to do a photographic shoot at my house in the country and it really was a unique and unrepeatable experience. I learned a lot from them who were my sponsors for several years.

6. How is the fashion scene in Argentina?

My country has great designers. It’s a country where the fashion industry is very strong. We have 3 very important fashion weeks: BA Fashion Week, ARG Fashion Week, Designers Fashion Week and they are very different from each other. Also got universities where you can study different related careers.

7. How do you think Argentinian design should focus to open up to the global stage?

I believe that academic preparation added to talent allows us to be visible in the world. Today Internet is our most economical and possible option. In my case I’m a generator of opportunities to make this happens. For many years I have represented designers and models so that they have the opportunity to be visible in the world.

8. How do you think Argentinian Fashion should be valued in the industry?

In Argentina we have very competitive prices and that allows us to sell our products in other countries. Our labor and our artisans are highly valued. We have natural fibers and many accessories made of different ethnical elements that are typical of our country.

9. What would you say to the Andrea of the past that she started in the industry?

I hope I’m not too proud (laughts) bacause my nature is very humble. I would tell Andrea that I’m glad that she has known her passion for her life and that I congratulate her for not having given up on her in the face of adversity. She accomplished a lot and that it was honestly accomplished.

10. One advice for the future that you would give to an emerging designer.

What a beautiful question (smile). I always ask this question to established designers on my national and international interviews for my TV program IDM Imagen de Moda, which is broadcast on the Argentinian TV and Youtube to help and motivate new talents. I think that the previous answer and several parts of this interview make my answer transparent.

Likewise, my advice is to study and become passionate about this profession. Create and learn from your references. Always aim to be a 10 as a designer. Achieving your own identity (so difficult because it’s easier to look for a trend and solve it… but it is possible) It’s fascinating when we see a design and say “it’s definitely a GUCCI”.

Interviewed by Alejandro D Lomas