“Beauty is freedom in appearance!” Inspired by the German writer and philosopher Friedrich Schiller 1759-1805 Modern thinking splits man into his intellect and his instinct. In our modern times the man is separate from the world and nature! Schiller believed that beauty can awaken the human spirit, and through art, one can become harmoniously connected with the world. Consequently, beauty is the freedom to express one’s deepest desires and embrace one’s true nature. This offers a non-stereotyped, alternative definition of beauty. If we are not afraid of the state of freedom and start to allow our body and soul to express ourselves, our deepest desires, and to connect with our genuine nature, we become beautiful. However, achieving this freedom often requires personal courage and a willingness to challenge social and moral restrictions, which formats us as human beings to merely be objects of consumption.

Photographer, Director, Artist: Iris Brosch
Production: The world of Iris Brosch
Producer: Stephane Blanc
Assistant: Frederic Troehler
Stylist: Tania Tuka
Makeup & Hair: Alan Milroy
Models: Gladys Brown, Sasha Payton, Elodie Leune /
MAKERS by Metropolitan
Leather Accessories: Ingrid Garnier