#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS

#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS

A human being who walks lightly on this Earth, finds solace in the golden fields, learning of the timeless value of Nature.
Mother Earth, our guiding grace, teaching us symbiosis, reminding us where we come from. A dance of life, obtained and grateful for the elements it gave us.

Gender neutral fashion flourishes in harmony, natural colors, fabrics and textures liberate our spirit, because in the eyes of Nature we all simply are natural souls.

Photography: Mircea Netea
Art Direction & Styling: Alejandro D Lomas
Models: Adrian CAndrei CIannis A @ ATTITUDE / Ma Ning @ OpenCast
MUA: Andreea GrosuCristina Iordache
Hair Styling: Fab by Toma George
Assistants: Andreea PlesaErin Beatrice GregorAndrada Negru

A Modic Editorial shot during Feeric Fashion Week at Promenada Sibiu.

#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Dress: Hegedus Tunde. Headpiece: Emma Nastase.
#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Left: Full Outfit by Andrada Negru. Right: Coat by TamaraToskic.
#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Dress: Viktor Spasov.

#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Coat: Hooldra x Roberta Ritter.
#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Left: Coat by Magdalena Buzdugan. Mask by Violeta Mujdar.. Right: Coat Hooldra x Roberta Ritter.
Coat: Magdalena Buzdugan. Headpiece Mask: Violeta Mujdar. Pants: Andrada Negru.
#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS
Look by Erin Beatrice. Headpiece: Ukranian Fashion Education Group.

#ModicEditorial – NATURAL SOULS

Check also: #ModicEditorial – PATH OF LIGHTS AND SHADOWS