Ex capital of culture to Europe back in 2007, situated in the heart of Transylvania, now 5th best place to visit in Europe according to European Best Destinations, and home to the greatest fashion week in Eastern Europe – Feeric Fashion Week, Sibiu surely an undoubtedly has to be on your ‘to visit’ list. Either you look for a summer escapade or happen to love a fairytale winter, Sibiu has what to offer in order to satisfy your needs.
History and architecture lovers, as well as nature and sightseeing addicts, you can all start planning your trip, but not before scrolling through our selection of pictures courtesy of Visit Sibiu that knows best how to capture the mesmerizing beauty and hidden gems not only of the city, but of the entire county.
On another note, as all locals, the level of kindness is beyond words, so for any information that you may not easily find on Google related to your trip, Visit Sibiu ( and we know this for a fact) is happy to answer your questions in order for you to have a hard-to-forget adventure.
Now.. take a word that expresses beauty, add its dictionary definition, find all its possible synonyms, multiple them by a hundred more, mix them with the relative superlative form of superiority… and still you won’t be able to do a better job than one picture seen on Visit Sibiu Instagram profile. So after you enjoy our favorites in the following part, take some time to discover art, on another level, here.
Not to prolong the agony…. but have you packed yet?
Check also: #ModicInterview – Matteo Ward